Social Protection

Lighting Lives via Social Action: Fostering Social Cohesion through Social Protection
The residents of Madina, a small village nestled in the far reaches of Liberia’s Lofa County, have demonstrated a pivotal realization: social protection can serve as a catalyst for fostering social cohesion. In 2019, Madina was selected as one of the implementation communities for the Youth Opportunity Project’s Community Livelihood and Agriculture Support (CLAS) component,…

REALISE Project Empowers Women through Life Skills Development
The REALISE Project is making significant strides in unlocking the potential of women through life skills development. A case in point is the involvement of 31 beneficiary working group members, in health awareness and production of tie-dye in the Graceland Community situated along the Kakata-Monrovia highway in Lower Margibi County. The Beneficiary Working Group, headed…

REALISE Project Enrolls Nearly Five Thousand Beneficiaries across Eight Counties
The REALISE Project has successfully completed the recruitment of beneficiaries for its agriculture component, known as the Community Livelihood and Agriculture Support (CLAS), in eight counties across the Liberia. This significant milestone was achieved in Bomi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Sinoe, and Nimba Counties. Preceding the recruitment phase was a series…

Advancing Social Protection in West Africa:
The ECOWAS Framework and Operational Plan We are pleased to share significant strides in the realm of social protection within the West African region. The recently concluded ECOWAS meeting of Social Protection Experts and Ministers saw the validation of the ECOWAS Social Protection Framework and Operational Plan—an essential milestone in our collective journey towards comprehensive…

Reviving families’ lifelines in Liberia
“I am grateful that REALISE project came. My business is now back and getting expanded”. Varbah Beyan sells retail used clothes in Paynesville a suburb of the Liberian Capital Monrovia, and a beneficiary of the Small Business Support component of the REALISE Project. In early 2023, she was among several residents in the GSA road…

REALISE Project concludes Consultations in Eight Counties
In Mid-September 2023, it became compellingly necessary for implementation activities of the Community Livelihood and Agriculture Support (CLAS) component of the Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) project to spur. CLAS covers eight of Liberia’s fifteen counties with agriculture and community support activities as its core mission. In efforts to conduct…

Empowering women through social protection
Social protection provides a safety net for the vulnerable through policies and programs that offer financial assistance, healthcare coverage and social insurance. “It helps prevent social exclusion and promotes social inclusion,” said Mahamane Cisse-Gouro, Director of the Human Rights Council and Treaty Mechanisms Division of human rights office OHCHR. Long-term gender gap The long-term gender gap has…

REALISE LIPW Continues To Support Underprivileged Communities
The Labour Intensive Public Work The Labour Intensive Public Work The Labour Intensive Public WorkThe Labour Intensive Public WorkThe Labour Intensive Public WorkThe Labour Intensive Public WorkThe Labour Intensive Public Work

2,500 Beneficiaries Selected For Round 2 of the LIPW
2,500 beneficiaries have been selected for round two of the Labor-Intensive Public Works component of REALISE Project. This component supports temporary employment and renders life skill training for beneficiaries.

Utilizing the Liberia Household Social Registry
The Liberia Household Social Registry (LHSR) is being fully used by the REALISE Project to carry on recruitment of beneficiaries in Montserrado County for component two. The expansion of this component to Margibi County, will lead to the addition of 400 beneficiaries in four communities.