Social Protection

More Capacity for REALISE Project
More Capacity for REALISE Project Five staff members of the REALISE Project recently completed specialized training in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Risk Management in the workplace. This training was designed to address critical issues related to GBV at project implementation sites. Armed with this expertise, these staff members from REALISE will now take on the role…

5,000 jobs for Montserrado and Margibi Counties….REALISE launches round three for Labor Intensive Public Work component
Monrovia, June 17, 2024 – Component 2 (Labor Intensive Public Works-LIPW) of the Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) Project has launched round 3 of recruitment for beneficiaries in 50 communities across Montserrado and Margibi Counties. The recruitment aims to engage five thousand unskilled and vulnerable workers with temporary employment over…

REALISE Project Expands Household Registration and Cash Transfer Enrollment in Grand Kru County
The Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment (REALISE) Project, has begun registration of households in 15 districts in Grand Kru County. The Registration is an expansion of the project’s ongoing data collection for operations. The registration is one of two activities taking place in Grand Kru County led by the REALISE Project….

Government launches expanded Cash Transfers Program for vulnerable Households
This is an intervention at the heart of government’s efforts to reduce strains of daily consumption on poor families in a number of regions in Liberia, expected to spread across the country, as more funding become available. The current unconditional Cash Transfer initiative is the third under the watch of the government of Liberia and…

REALISE Project rates satisfactorily on Overall Implementation during first Mission in 2024
Monrovia May 2, 2024: After two weeks of technical sessions, the World Bank’s Task Team Leaders and the Project Management Team of the REALISE Project have concluded the first Project Support Mission in 2024. Amongst key issues, the Mission discussed Project implementation, procurement, Finance, Safeguard and monitoring and evaluation amongst others. The Mission expressed satisfaction…

REALISE Project kicks off Implementation Mission
Monrovia, April 22, 2024 – The REALISE Project, in collaboration with the World Bank, commences its inaugural implementation mission for 2024, with a heightened focus on critical advancements across its various components. Notably, this mission marks the debut under Liberia’s new administration. Jesse Bengu, the Project Coordinator, expressed the significance of this mission, stating, “It…

“Lighting up the mind: The REALISE Project introduces adult literacy.”
Component two of the REALISE Project has integrated adult literacy into its activities as one of the subprojects, implemented in the Plunkor community in Monrovia. “This marks the inaugural inclusion of adult literacy in our implementation activities since the project’s commencement in 2021,” noted Anita Marshall. The beneficiaries of the adult literacy subproject are primarily…

Ready to give more to the Poor; REALISE Project Steering Committee pushes
The new members of the REALISE Project Steering Committee, ( Recovery of Economic Activity for Liberian Informal Sector Employment), are eager to accelerate project activities nationwide following a delay caused by the recent political transition. Convening for the first time under the new administration on April 5, 2024, the Committee gathered to assess progress and…

Lighting Lives via Social Action: Fostering Social Cohesion through Social Protection
The residents of Madina, a small village nestled in the far reaches of Liberia’s Lofa County, have demonstrated a pivotal realization: social protection can serve as a catalyst for fostering social cohesion. In 2019, Madina was selected as one of the implementation communities for the Youth Opportunity Project’s Community Livelihood and Agriculture Support (CLAS) component,…

REALISE Project Empowers Women through Life Skills Development
The REALISE Project is making significant strides in unlocking the potential of women through life skills development. A case in point is the involvement of 31 beneficiary working group members, in health awareness and production of tie-dye in the Graceland Community situated along the Kakata-Monrovia highway in Lower Margibi County. The Beneficiary Working Group, headed…