October 6, 2024 5:20 am


REALISE Project records first harvests in Lofa County

The REALISE Project has recorded a significant achievement with its first harvest in Lofa County, Liberia, showcasing the potential of community-driven agriculture. Lofa County, situated in the northwestern part of Liberia, is renowned for its verdant landscapes and fertile highlands, making it an ideal location for agriculture al activities.

The project, which emphasizes local food production and income generation, has seen notable success through three farming groups in the Lofa. These community-driven initiatives aims not only to boost local food availability but also to create valuable income-earning opportunities for local residents.

Among the standout harvests, John Town and Tenebu have proven to be leaders in peanut production. John Town cultivated approximately 37.7 acres of land, resulting in an impressive yield of 67 bags of peanuts, generating LD$ 357,200 in sales. In contrast, Tenebu harvested 20 bags of bags of peanuts, reserve 15 for future cultivation projects and sold 5 bags, amounting to 25,000LD, which reflects a strategic approach to scaling their agricultural activities.

Additionally, the third group, Kpornodu Bendu, achieved a successful harvest of okra, contributing to the diversity and abundance of produce in the region.

These activities are managed by the Community Livelihood and Agriculture Support (CLAS) component of the REALISE Project, which emphasizes community-led agriculture to enhance local food security while driving economic growth in the region. The project provides business skills training, extension support through the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, climate-smart agricultural training, and market linkage support. By empowering local farmers and promoting sustainable practices, the REALISE Project demonstrates its commitment to transforming Lofa County into a model for agricultural development in Liberia.

Under the current round of the CLAS implementation, 192 beneficiary farming groups are operating in eight of Liberia’s 15 counties. Each of the group is expected to cultivate 36 acres of land with a variety of seasonal crops for the period of one year. The project also gives each community a grant for community development.

The REALISE Project is Financed by the World Bank, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the French Development Agency (AFD)

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